Ghost Toast

Ghost Toast

This tutorial series will take you through the entire game design and development process of creating a FPS game using the 3D OpenGL Game Engine. All 2D textures and 3D models used in the game are supplied to you. Learn to take your imagination and turn it into reality!

To learn more about the game, visit this page.

You can purchase the starting OpenGL Game Engine source code (and other helpful tools used throughout the video series) from the Shop.

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0: Introduction
A brief introduction to the Ghost Toast series. Where I will be starting and what will be covered.
VMK 0: Introduction
1: Design Plan
Design Plan
In this video I talk about the general design of this game. I cover the following topics: Objective, Rules, Screen Layout, AI, Animations, Pickups, Spawning, Damage, Points, Map and Collisions.
VMK 1: Design Plan
2ab: Project Setup
Project Setup
I show how to take a fresh copy of the Game Engine Source Code and start using it to make the Ghost Toast game.

The generic game engine splash screen is also replaced with a new one in this video.
VMK 2ab: Project Setup Download VMK 2ab Resources
2cd: Cursor and Main Menu
Cursor and Main Menu
This VMK focuses on getting the cursor and main menu setup. When you are done, you will have the cursor rendering correctly on the screen, and you will have also fixed the GUIButton class so that we can get perfect pixel-to-pixel mapping onto our controls.

The console window will be reactivated, allowing us to dynamically position the four GUIButton controls (Play, Highscore, Config and Quit) found on the main menu using the gui command.
VMK 2cd: Cursor and Main Menu Download VMK 2cd Resources
2e: GUI Image Class
GUI Image Class
A new GUI control is added to the game engine called GUIImage. This control is used to display the Ghost Toast title on the main menu.

The GUIImage class is also used to display a menu selector on the main menu. When you highlight a menu option, the selector will move to point at the highlighted option.
VMK 2e: GUI Image Class Download VMK 2e Resources
3a: Texture Manager Info
Texture Manager Info
I will be creating a Texture Manager so that it is easier to load and handle textures inside the game engine. This VMK explains the changes that are going to be made.
VMK 3a: Texture Manager Info
3b: Texture Manager Class
Texture Manager Class
I create the Texture Manager class in this VMK which I'll be using to handle all my textures from now on. The Texture Manager allows you to load textures into groups for easy management of resources.
VMK 3b: Texture Manager Class
3c: Texture Class Update
Texture Class Update
To be able to compile the Texture Manager class, I need to update the Texture class and add a new class (Vertex2i) to the game engine. Both of these things are done in this VMK.
VMK 3c: Texture Class Update
3de: Scene Class Update
Scene Class Update
I update the Scene class so that I can start using the Texture Manager to handle all the loaded textures in the Ghost Toast game. The game engine is cleaned up a little too. I move around all the static member variables from different classes.
VMK 3de: Scene Class Update
3f: Font Management
Font Management
Functions that were previously written for the Scene class are moved into the Texture Manager to expand its capabilities.
VMK 3f: Font Management
3g: Delete Graphics Renderer
Delete Graphics Renderer
A short VMK showing how to remove the graphics renderer enumeration in the game engine. We are always using OpenGL so there is no need for extra switch statements everywhere.
VMK 3g: Delete Graphics Renderer
3h: Font Class Upgrade
Font Class Upgrade
The Font class is upgraded so that it will work with the Texture Manager created back in VMK3F. The Font class also had the same 1 pixel offset problem that was described in VMK2CD, but it is fixed in this VMK.
VMK 3h: Font Class Upgrade
3i: Using Font Management
Using Font Management
I update the Scene class to now use the Font Management functions in the Texture Manager. The GUIText and GUIList functionality has been disabled so if you try to use these classes, your program will crash. I will address this in VMK 4.
VMK 3i: Using Font Management Download VMK 3i Resources
4a: GUI Manager Intro
A short introduction to the GUI Manager class which will be added to the game engine. The GUI Manager will be responsible for managing all the GUI assets that are loaded into the game engine.
VMK 4a: GUI Manager Intro
4bcd: GUI Manager
GUI Manager
The GuiManager class is created and all the code used to interface with a GUIButton is added into the manager.
VMK 4bcd: GUI Manager
4e: GUI Button and GUIControl Upgrade
GUI Button and GUIControl Upgrade
The GUIButton class and the GUIControl class are upgraded in this VMK so that they will work with the new GuiManager class.
VMK 4e: GUI Button and GUIControl Upgrade
4fg: Using GUI Manager
Using GUI Manager
Changes made in the GUI Control class earlier forces me to update the other GUI classes so that they will work with the GUI Manager. The Scene class is also updated to allow for the use of GUI Buttons on the main menu.
VMK 4fg: Using GUI Manager
4h: Adding GUI Image to Manager
Adding GUI Image to Manager
This is a short video showing how to add the GUI Image class to the GUI Manager.
VMK 4h: Adding GUI Image to Manager
4i: Using GUI Images
Using GUI Images
Now that the GUI Manager can handle GUI Images, I update the Scene class to re introduce the Ghost Toast title and the menu selector found on the main menu. I also convert the splash screen to a GUI Image.
VMK 4i: Using GUI Images
4j: GUI Cursor
GUI Cursor
A cursor object is added to the GUI Manager in this video. You can now easily swap the cursor image any time you like and you can render the cursor on any screen in the game.
VMK 4j: GUI Cursor
4k: Gui Move Command
Gui Move Command
The Gui Manager is updated to include the console command GUI. When you activate this command, you are able to move/position GUI controls on the screen using the mouse. This feature was first introduced in the OpenGL Game Engine VMK40
VMK 4k: Gui Move Command
5a: Gui Navigation
Gui Navigation
With the GUI Manager now working for us in the Scene class, the GameOGL::frame function can be simplified.
VMK 5a: Gui Navigation
5b: Animated Introduction
Animated Introduction
I show how to animate the splash screen image. The image/logo slides into view from the left, pauses in the middle of the screen, and then slides off to the right.
VMK 5b: Animated Introduction
5c: Menu Options
Menu Options
Navigation from the Main Menu screen into and out of the Configure and the High Scores screens is implemented in this VMK.
VMK 5c: Menu Options Download VMK 5c Resources
5d: Managing GUI List
Managing GUI List
I add the necessary function to the Gui Manager class so that we are able to work with GUI List objects using the manager.
VMK 5d: Managing GUI List
5e: GUI List Update
GUI List Update
The GUI List class is updated in this video so that it will work properly with the GUI Manager. The GUI List class was first introduced in the OpenGL Game Engine VMK 42
VMK 5e: GUI List Update
5f: Highscore and Config List Boxes
Highscore and Config List Boxes
A list box is added to the Highscores screen. There are no scores listed here because we can''t earn points in the game yet. A list box is also added to the Configure screen which lists all the game controls that are available in the game.
VMK 5f: Highscore and Config List Boxes Download VMK 5f Resources
6a: Managing GUI Text
Managing GUI Text
I add a few new functions to the GUI Manager class so that I can use GUI Text objects once again with the game engine.
VMK 6a: Managing GUI Text
6b: GUI Text Update
GUI Text Update
The GUI Text class is updated in this VMK so that it will work properly with the GUI Manager. The Vertex2 class is also updated to allow for Vertex2 * float calculations to be performed.
VMK 6b: GUI Text Update
7: Changing Key Mapping
Changing Key Mapping
The configuration screen is completed in this VMK. By the end of the video you'll be able to change what key is associated with each control in the game.
VMK 7: Changing Key Mapping
8: Bug Fix
In this video I show how to fix a bad bug in the game engine's parser found by a member of the website. I also show how to fix one other bug.
VMK 8: Bug Fix
9: Play and Pause
Play and Pause
I update the game so that we can click on the Play button on the main menu. This causes the game resources to get loaded into the group 2 memory space. From the play screen you can also ESC into the pause screen and from there you can now return back to the main menu.
VMK 9: Play and Pause Download VMK 9 Resources
10: Keyboard Navigation
Keyboard Navigation
In this video I show how to implement a method that will allow the user to navigate through all the menus without having to use the mouse. All navigation can now happen just by using the keyboard arrow keys.
VMK 10: Keyboard Navigation
11: Geometry Names
Geometry Names
This is a preparation video for the next VMK. Right now all geometry that gets loaded by the LVL loader is not easily accessed via the source code. To fix this, I've given a name tag to all the geometry classes so that from within the Scene class I can quickly do a search for each one that I want.
VMK 11: Geometry Names Download VMK 11 Resources
12: Basic Level Editor
Basic Level Editor
I start work on the level editor that we will be using in Ghost Toast. At this stage we will be using a TGA file (named map) to hold all our level data. By the end of this VMK, you'll be able to load a map file and extract the pixel data from it. We use white pixels to represent the floor, and black pixels to represent walls.
VMK 12: Basic Level Editor Download VMK 12 Resources
13: Rooms
I introduce new color codes into our maps so that we can add details. I add yellow and magenta to represent wooden and carpet floors. All textures used in the project are included with this VMK.
VMK 13: Rooms Download VMK 13 Resources
14: Ceiling
First thing is to correct the initial position (and direction) that we start at. Then I show how to add a ceiling above us.

Next step is to make the rooms taller than the hallways and raising the ceiling in the process.
VMK 14: Ceiling Download VMK 14 Resources
15a: Collision Codes
Collision Codes
In this video I start developing the collision detection system. First thing to establish are the collision codes for each map square.
VMK 15a: Collision Codes
15b: Testing Collisions
Testing Collisions
Preventing the user from walking through walls that are beside or in front of the player is explained and implemented in this video.
VMK 15b: Testing Collisions
15c: Corner Collisions
Corner Collisions
The final collision equations are developed in this VMK. These are used to react when a player tries to walk through corners on the map.
VMK 15c: Corner Collisions
16: HUD Font
HUD Font
A new font is added to the Ghost Toast game and it is used to display numerical items on the HUD. The Health, Energy and Arrow count indicators are now visible when you play the game.
VMK 16: HUD Font Download VMK 16 Resources
17: Pickup Object Class
Pickup Object Class
The generic pickup object class is defined in this VMK. We will be using this class to derive classes used for the health packs, arrows and energy pickups within the game.

To simplify the game engine and also make the Pickup Object class compile, I made some fundamental changes to the game engine. In this VMK you'll see that the ErrorHandler can now be accessed from anywhere, GameOGL is updated and I clean up all the virtual keywords throughout the program.
VMK 17: Pickup Object Class
18: Physics Engine
Physics Engine
I copy the physics engine code from Physics Engine VMK 14 and add it into the game engine. In the process I also update the WindowsParameters structure.
VMK 18: Physics Engine
19a: Health Pack Class
Health Pack Class
The health pack pickup object class is created in this VMK and the 3D model of the health pack is loaded into the game. The VMK file format has been recently updated to v1.1 so I also show the changes that need to be made to be able to load this new format.
VMK 19a: Health Pack Class Download VMK 19a Resources
19b: Health Pickup and Respawn
Health Pickup and Respawn
The isRetrieved function is implemented in this video. You will now be able to pickup health packs in the game and the player's health is updated accordingly every time you do.
VMK 19b: Health Pickup and Respawn
20a: Pickup Arrows Class
Pickup Arrows Class
I create the PickupArrows class used to animate, render and keep track of the arrow pack pickup object. Also in this VMK, the Integrator1 class from the physics engine is imported.
VMK 20a: Pickup Arrows Class Download VMK 20a Resources
20b: Arrows Pickup and Respawn
Arrows Pickup and Respawn
Using the class created in the previous VMK I add the animated arrow pickup object to the game. Updates are made to the Player class and to the Scene class to make this happen.
VMK 20b: Arrows Pickup and Respawn
21a: Pickup Energy Class
Pickup Energy Class
The PickupEnergy class is created in this VMK and the nested node transform structure used to animate the battery cell is explained.
VMK 21a: Pickup Energy Class Download VMK 21a Resources
21b: Energy Pickup and Respawn
Energy Pickup and Respawn
The battery object is added into the scene and animated. Near the end of this VMK, I clean up the Sleep(1); issue that I forgot about earlier and also removed one extra keyboard control.
VMK 21b: Energy Pickup and Respawn
22: General Math Update
General Math Update
A number of small updates are made to the GeneralMath class.

The random number generator function is updated, the swap function is added, and the constant values that use the value of PI are also updated.

For more information about random numbers check out Intro to C++ VMK 16
VMK 22: General Math Update
23: Random Position
Random Position
New functions are created in the Scene class that allow you to randomly place items in the map. Care is taken to make sure that the item will always land on an empty square (not in a wall) and that there is nothing else already in the same spot.

This is used to randomly scatter all the pickup objects in the level and also to randomly place the player when the game starts.
VMK 23: Random Position
24: Remove Vertex Classes
Three classes (Vertex2, Vertex2i and Vertex3) are removed from the game engine in this VMK. These classes are not needed so they are replaced with our Vector classes.
VMK 24: Remove Vertex Classes
25a: Radar Display
Radar Display
I start work on the radar map unit by adding the graphic image to the resource files. This video focuses on making the radar map display in the top right hand corner of the screen and also animating it open and close based on the battery power.
VMK 25a: Radar Display Download VMK 25a Resources
25b: Radar Dots
Radar Dots
In this VMK I add the radar dots showing where things are located relative to the player. Blue dots for arrows, and yellow dots for batteries.
VMK 25b: Radar Dots Download VMK 25b Resources
25c: Radar Sweep Arm
Radar Sweep Arm
The arm that sweeps around in a circle in the radar unit is created in this VMK. A new function is also added to the GeneralMath class that will make things easier for us a little later on.
VMK 25c: Radar Sweep Arm
25d: GUI Fade Dots
GUI Fade Dots
In this last VMK in the Radar Unit section, I show how to make the dots appear when the arm sweeps by them, and slowly fade out of view when the arm moves away from the dot. New functions are added to the Vector2 and Math classes.
VMK 25d: GUI Fade Dots
26: Static UserSettings Class
Static UserSettings Class
In this VMK, I update the UserSettings class and make a static get() function to allow us to retrieve a pointer to this class anywhere in the code without having to explicitly pass a pointer around.
VMK 26: Static UserSettings Class
27a: Mace Weapon
Mace Weapon
I have included the mace.vmk file with this video so that you can use it in the game. The mace class is started in this VMK and used to position and render the mace on the screen.
VMK 27a: Mace Weapon Download VMK 27a Resources
27b: Swing the Mace
Swing the Mace
Three states are added to the mace class in this video. These states are used to animate the swinging motion of the mace when the attack button is pressed.
VMK 27b: Swing the Mace
28a: Ghost Class
Ghost Class
I have supplied the ghost.vmk 3D model with this video to be used to render a ghost on the screen. A Ghost class is created in this video to manage the ghost object in the game. The radar unit is also updated to show a red dot where the ghost is positioned in the map.
VMK 28a: Ghost Class Download VMK 28a Resources
28b: Duplication
The ability to duplicate a subtree of the scenegraph is added in this VMK. I use the duplication function to make two more copies of the previously loaded ghost.vmk so that we have 3 ghosts in the game.
VMK 28b: Duplication
29: ErrorHandler and Output Log
ErrorHandler and Output Log
A bunch of clean up tasks are performed in this video. The ErrorHandler pointer inside a number of classes is handled better. All Wall, Floor and Ceiling objects loaded by the level are named so that they are easy to find in the scene graph and the Scene::OutputSceneGraphLog function is updated.
VMK 29: ErrorHandler and Output Log
30: Interpolate1 Class
Interpolate1 Class
This video is tied closely to Math VMK 10 - Smooth Interpolation. The equations derived in the Math VMK are implemented in a new class called Interpolate1.
VMK 30: Interpolate1 Class
31a: Floating Ghosts
Floating Ghosts
Using the Interpolate1 class created in the previous VMK, the ghosts are given the ability to float on a spot.
VMK 31a: Floating Ghosts
31b: Biting Ghosts
Biting Ghosts
Using the interpolate class again, and playing with some timing, we make the ghost's jaw move in a biting motion.
VMK 31b: Biting Ghosts
32: Ghost Facing Direction
Ghost Facing Direction
In this VMK I make the ghosts aware of the player's position so that they can turn to face the player. A typo in the Vector3 class is fixed and a new GeneralMath function is added.
VMK 32: Ghost Facing Direction
33: Kill A Ghost
Kill A Ghost
I show how to add 4 states to the Ghost class. The states are used to control the ghosts behavior. One of the states is the dying state which allows the player to hit a ghost with the mace and kill it.
VMK 33: Kill A Ghost
34: Score Keeping
Score Keeping
I add a score indicator to the HUD. When a ghost is hit with the mace we collect points and the indicator updates. The renderHud function is also updated so that the HUD is always drawn on top of everything rather than having it get clipped by objects inside the scene.
VMK 34: Score Keeping
35: Game Lighting
Game Lighting
I explain what causes little white dots to appear on the screen and I show how to fix them. I add some light attenuation to the game to make things a little darker and also attach light sources to the ghosts to make them stand out better.
VMK 35: Game Lighting
36: Respawn Ghosts
Respawn Ghosts
When a ghost is killed, it will be off the screen for a few seconds. When the time is up, it will reappear back in the level ready to go again.
VMK 36: Respawn Ghosts
37a: Crossbow Weapon
Crossbow Weapon
Included with this video are the 3D models for the crossbow and arrow objects. The video shows how to create the Crossbow class and use it to render the crossbow on the screen.
VMK 37a: Crossbow Weapon Download VMK 37a Resources
37b: Crossbow States
Crossbow States
The crossbow has 5 states that it can be in. The state machine to control the crossbow is implemented in this VMK.
VMK 37b: Crossbow States
37c: Arrow Motion
Arrow Motion
The arrow object is placed on the crossbow in this VMK when the player picks up a quiver of arrows. We also animate the arrow being pulled back and shot forward when the attack button is pressed.
VMK 37c: Arrow Motion
38a: Shooting Arrows
Shooting Arrows
In this VMK I explain how to handle arrow objects when the player shoots using the crossbow. This video focuses on rendering a single arrow object as it leaves the crossbow.
VMK 38a: Shooting Arrows
38b: Multiple Arrows
Multiple Arrows
The arrow object is duplicated multiple times and code is added to allow for more than one arrow to be rendered on the screen at a time.
VMK 38b: Multiple Arrows
38c: Flying Arrows
Flying Arrows
Motion equations are implemented for each arrow to make it move across the screen. Arrow collisions with the floor is also added.
VMK 38c: Flying Arrows
38d: Arrow Collisions
Arrow Collisions
A method to make flying arrows collide with the walls and ceilings of the level map is presented in this VMK.
VMK 38d: Arrow Collisions
39: Shooting A Ghost
Shooting A Ghost
This VMK dives into the math required to allow the player to shoot and kill ghosts. Three hot zones are set up on the ghosts head, chest, and hips. These zones are monitored to see if any arrow hits them.
VMK 39: Shooting A Ghost
40: Crosshairs
Crosshairs are added to the HUD so that you can see exactly where you are pointing the crossbow weapon before you shoot it.
VMK 40: Crosshairs Download VMK 40 Resources
41a: Switch Weapons
Switch Weapons
The Interpolate3 class is created in this VMK and used to allow the player to switch between the Mace and the Crossbow weapon. You can switch weapons using the keyboard or by using the scroll wheel on the mouse.
VMK 41a: Switch Weapons
41b: Weapon Class
Weapon Class
The WeaponCrossbow and WeaponMace classes are simplified in this VMK by inheriting from a general Weapon class that I create in this video.
VMK 41b: Weapon Class
42: Path1 Class
Path1 Class
The Path1 class is an extension of the Interpolate1 class created in VMK30. The Interpolate1 class allows you to interpolation a value between two end points. In Path1, you can string together multiple points to form a path, which you can then interpolate across. Each path segment can use either linear or smooth interpolation.
VMK 42: Path1 Class
43: Claw Animation
Claw Animation
Using the Path1 class developed in the previous VMK, the ghosts left and right arms are put into motion. When the player gets close to a ghost, the ghost will react by clawing at the player.
VMK 43: Claw Animation
44: Moving Ghosts
Moving Ghosts
I show how to make the ghost damage the player in this VMK. I also give the ghost the ability to move around in the level so that they don't just stand in one spot.
VMK 44: Moving Ghosts
45: Instructions Screen
Instructions Screen
I go back to working with the GUI system in this VMK. A moving ghost image is placed on the main menu screen, and an instruction screen is displayed after you press the Play menu option. The initial position of the player and ghosts are also set to be randomly generated.
VMK 45: Instructions Screen Download VMK 45 Resources
46: Game Over
Game Over
I add a text message to the instruction screen that was made in VMK45, and the Game Over state is added to the game engine. The ability to dynamically fade font is also added in this VMK.
VMK 46: Game Over Download VMK 46 Resources
47: Highscore Table
Highscore Table
When the player's health reaches 0, the game over screen appears. If the player has enough points to be displayed on the high score table, they are asked to input their name and press enter. Their name and score is then stored in a file and the highscore table is updated.
VMK 47: Highscore Table
48a: Add Audio Manager
Add Audio Manager
The AudioManager class developed in the 3D Audio Engine VMK series is added to the Ghost Toast game so that we can play sounds.
VMK 48a: Add Audio Manager
48b: AudioManager Cleanup
AudioManager Cleanup
The AudioManager class and all supporting classes are updated so that we replace all printf calls. A new function is added to make it easier to get at the AudioManager from anywhere in the source code.
VMK 48b: AudioManager Cleanup
49: Assign Audio
Assign Audio
A function is added to the AudioManager that allows us to attach an audio sound effect to a gui button. When the cursor moves over top of the button, the audio file is played automatically.
VMK 49: Assign Audio Download VMK 49 Resources
50: Heartbeat and Footsteps
Heartbeat and Footsteps
Two new sound effects are added to Ghost Toast in this VMK. The heartbeat sound is activated when the players health drops below 20. Footsteps are heard when the player moves in the game.
VMK 50: Heartbeat and Footsteps Download VMK 50 Resources
51: Radar and Pickup Sounds
Radar and Pickup Sounds
In this VMK six new sound effects are added to Ghost Toast. Three are used by the radar unit and three are used when picking up health, arrows, and the power cell in the game.
VMK 51: Radar and Pickup Sounds Download VMK 51 Resources
52: Attack Sound Effects
Attack Sound Effects
Four new sounds are added to the game. Two sounds when you swing the mace, and two sounds when you use the crossbow. Near the end of the video I also fix a bug when dealing with rendering the crossbow arrow.
VMK 52: Attack Sound Effects Download VMK 52 Resources
53: Ghost Sounds
Ghost Sounds
The sounds that are made by the ghosts are added in this VMK. Near the end I also add a helper function that you can use to turn all the sounds off.
VMK 53: Ghost Sounds Download VMK 53 Resources
54: Stream Game Music
Stream Game Music
Four music streams are added to the game in this VMK. One is used during the intro/splash screen, one is used in the menu, one is used during regular play, and the last is used when the game is over.
VMK 54: Stream Game Music Download VMK 54 Resources
55: Wrap Up
Wrap Up
This is the last VMK in the Ghost Toast VMK series. In this video I present some ideas for expanding and improving the game beyond the things that I have already shown in the VMK series.
VMK 55: Wrap Up

Continue learning more by doing the Shader Engine VMK series next.